Science shows that there are three significant factors in adolescent and emerging adult substance use disorders. For the individual, substance use is associated with positive attitudes toward problem behavior, emotional problems, and social skill deficits. For the family, low caregiver supervision and inconsistent discipline are closely tied to substance use. Finally, association with substance-using peers is a high predictor of adolescent substance use. These factors can be addressed effectively in an outpatient setting that uses cognitive-behavioral treatment in combination with contingency management.
Families at Five is an outpatient family-based substance use treatment for youth addiction that uses contingency management. Families attend twelve sessions that meet for one hour each week.
The program begins with an assessment for substance use problems and identifying any co-occurring disorders that complicate treatment. The family agrees with the therapist to weekly drug screens and a point-and-level system that details incentives (rewards and privileges) for negative drug screens and disincentives for positive drug screens. The playgrounds, playmates, times, situations, thoughts and feelings that accompany substance use are identified through the ABC Assessment of Drug Use. Cognitive-behavioral strategies are designed to avoid high-risk situations related to the adolescent / emerging adult’s substance use. Then, these tools are integrated into self-management planning and drug refusal skills training.
See more information about contingency management for youth addition.
Families at Five Contingency Management for Adolescent and Emerging Adult Substance Use Disorders
Program Costs
Weekly Sessions: $125.00 per one-hour session. Outpatient substance use treatment is covered by most insurance plans. Medicaid and Medicare is not accepted. Contact your insurance carrier to ask about coverage.
Medication: During the program, assessments for co-occurring disorders such as depression, attention deficit disorder, or anxiety are administered. If medications are recommended for substance use treatment, the costs shall be covered by the family and negotiated with the recommended medical providers.
Drug Screens: $25 - $40 per week.